Student Activities and Projects

LLD Social Studies

Students chose a state they wanted to research with specific parameters. After research, we constructed a poster to present to their classroom teacher.

Vector Diagram Notes.pptx

Digital Vector Diagram Notes

Students completed guided notes for vector diagrams. After group practice, students completed independent practice and were given the opportunity to create their own examples with world-to-self connections.

Canva Design Elective

I offered a "Canva Design" elective for 8th grade students during the 2021-2022 school year. They worked on creating their own branding, a personal logo, and completed a simulated client project. For this project, teachers and staff members volunteered to participate as a "client". Students were tasked with creating a classroom sign for their assigned "client" using information provided by the participant such as favorite colors, fonts, music, etc. Students designed their posters with a focus on visuals rather than words or explanations. The task included consistency in graphics chosen, layout, and incorporating elements such as shadows and frames. Students created a draft that was sent to their "client" for feedback. The "client's" feedback and my feedback were used to complete final drafts of the posters.

Create Your Brand.docx

Physics Projects

Newton's Laws of Motion

Heat Transfer


Newton's Laws of Motion Game Creation

Sound Project: Create a Musical Instrument

Earth Science

Changing Earth:
Weathering and Erosion

Rocks and Minerals Poster


3D Education Foundation Grant

During the 2016-2017 year, I applied for a 3D printing and design grant through the Education Foundation. I offered 3D design opportunities to students to complete their projects and activities. Students chose to use the 3D pens to create a model of their hybrid animals.